GREAT GAME!!!! a time management game with out a lot of clicking... nice way to pass sometime.... Other's complained about the music, I found it to be very soothing... I can see me coming back to lay this game again and again!!!! LOVE IT!
I ALMOST did not get this game because I so did not care for the first weather lord game…. What a mistake that would have been
PostedMay 29, 2013
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I ALMOST did not get this game because I so did not care for the first weather lord game…. What a mistake that would have been! I have been going back to play all of my previous TM games because they are so rare on Big Fish.. This game Is w3onderful! Graphics are not stunning but not cartoonish either. I never read the story line on games, so not sure about that one. I did enjoy the incorporation of the weather into the building game… Very nice change of pace. If you are a TM Fan, this is one not to miss!